The Important Things in Life are Not Things - Leading Spiritual Blog ! Aitihasik India ! EarthLing Foundation

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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Important Things in Life are Not Things

The Important Things in Life are Not Things

Surrounding us we see confusion, tumult and demolition; we catch wind of the loss of human qualities and good debasement. As a result, there is concern and stress with respect to what's to come. Such circumstances are not new. In our shastras, we find comparative portrayals. Without knowing the unique situation, if one somehow happened to peruse Devarshi Narada's record of life on earth, one would be persuaded it is a depiction of present circumstances! In like manner, Socrates hated the indiscipline and defiance of the young of his days. 

When we say human qualities are decaying, we ought to comprehend what human qualities are, the manner by which they are declining and what we can do to reestablish them. Many individuals are tending to the circumstance at different levels through classes, workshops and gatherings. Profound inside, every one realizes what to do, yet with regards to activity, we keep down. 

Once, a writer asked me whether I was frightened by the current state of the adolescent and was shocked when I answered in the negative. People have the unrestrained choice to devastate themselves; then again, they likewise can reconstruct the harm. This is the magnificence of human instinct. There is no should be discouraged; it doesn't improve the situation. 

One explanation behind the debauchery is that we have given more significance to things than to values. 

The second is: the essential things in life are not things. Each individual wants to advance his or her life. To begin with we need security, then solace, then more solace and more noteworthy joy. The individuals who have material things, a higher per capita salary and the capacity to spend more cash are marked as 'prosperous'. 

Enhancement has two angles – external and internal. To enhance our external life, we require a great deal of exertion and cash. Be that as it may, the essential necessities of life are free. We can live without gold, silver and gems, however not without air, water and nourishment, which Nature gives us for nothing. They are not 'shoddy'; they are significant, but rather 'free'. The space we live in is free, however we put a cost on the land and market it. Space, air, sun oriented vitality and water are all free. 

We underestimate Nature's blessings. Utilizing her crude materials, we transform them into various shapes and make things costly and uncommon. We credit an incentive to things and make the universe of wild rivalry. The standard of 'Incline toward toleration' is supplanted by 'Slaughter or get murdered'. 

The excellence of air is that we as a whole inhale in the meantime but then there is no opposition. We call ourselves predominant, wise creatures, yet keep on destroying the very things (plants, trees and creatures), on which our prosperity depends. The plant and creature kingdoms can exist easily without us, yet we can't live without them. The employment of the better is than secure the second rate; the more instructed must care for the less taught; the solid after the feeble. 

None of these qualities are noticed on the grounds that we give undue significance to cash. Things have turned out to be more vital than qualities. Can we enhance our lives just by having things? Our external lives can be made prosperous by the trappings of riches and extravagance, yet without the temperances of affection, sympathy and genuineness, there can't be any long haul sustenance. We should improve our internal life.

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