Three Basic Views of the World - Leading Spiritual Blog ! Aitihasik India ! EarthLing Foundation

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Three Basic Views of the World

Three Basic Views of the World

There are three essential perspectives of the world we live in. One is the extremely materialistic view wherein individuals see this world as the main genuine reality. Another is that world is a completely a deception, and the third is the best of view, that the world is the terrified property of God. It is genuine yet it is brief in its signs. 

Presently the origination that the world is the main genuine reality abandons one with the awareness that it truly doesn't make a difference what we do the length of we get what we need. In the event that we hurt individuals, on the off chance that we stomp on good values, moral standards, in the event that we get cash, distinction, control, sexy and passionate delights, its all supported in light of the fact that as that expression goes, "eat drink and be joyful in light of the fact that tomorrow may never come". When we trust that this world is the main reality then even our supposed good standards are based on an exceptionally powerless establishment since when enticement and dread come, why not break our good and moral qualities on the off chance that I can show signs of improvement. At that point we end up noticeably defrauded by insatiability, begrudge, desire, outrage, self-importance and figment. We see it so common on the planet today. This origination that in the event that it feels great now it doesn't generally make a difference what else. 

What is important is me. So much is based upon what makes me upbeat, what would I be able to gain what I can call "mine". At the end of the day, its a world that is such a great amount of vanquished by this propensity of childishness and pride, thus quite a bit of that is conceived from the origination that the world is the main reality. 

Another origination is that the entire world is only a deception. It doesn't in reality even exist. In all actuality genuine however the entire world is a figment. For the individuals who are deduction like this it is a decent catalyst for freedom after death in light of the fact that if the world is a hallucination it doesn't make a difference in the event that we live amazing, matters is that by one means or another or other we receive in return as quickly as time permits. Presently the natural and environmental states of the world today is greatly shaky. This reasoning this world is a hallucination, on the off chance that we see all these ecological issues happening, who cares. It doesn't exist. Let everybody dirty the waterways and air since this world is a deception. Our driving force is to simply escape this insane polluted denounced world and what we truly abandon doesn't generally make a difference since this world is a dream. Where is the call for activity inside the world we live. The call of activity is just to get out. 

In any case, then we have the Vaisnava philosopy of Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita, that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Vallabhacarya, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacharya, all these awesome souls instructed. They educated om purnam adah purnam idam as indicated by Sri Isopanisad. The Absolute Truth is the wellspring of everything that exists. It is impeccable and contend and everything eminating from the Absolute Truth is all flawless and finish. The material world and the otherworldly world – everything is originating from Krishna. Sarvaloka mahesvaram, Krishna says in Bhagavad-gita, this entire world is God's property. In the event that we see it along these lines we are free from that covetousness, begrudge, desire and outrage since we comprehend I am not the proprietor, I am the guardian. In the event that we see another person doing great we commend their favorable luck since we comprehend we are all siblings and sisters, we are all soul souls, offspring of God. We are not desirous. Misuse is the side effect of the malady of the childish self absorbed heart. Sympathy is the side effect of a man who has really discovered inward satisfaction inside their souls. 

So this is so vital for the world to see today – that we should manufacture our lives and associations with other living creatures, people and different types of life, with Mother Earth and the earth on the rule that everything is sacrosanct. 

Maya implies the vitality of God and maya is classified in two ways: mahamaya and yogamaya. It's a similar vitality. This entire material world is God's vitality. Every one of the signs inside this vitality are affected by time and thusly are transitory and under the three methods of goodness, enthusiasm and numbness. The otherworldly vitality is sat-cit-ananda, unceasing, brimming with information and loaded with delight. Be that as it may, what is the distinction between these energies? It truly is under the premise of our discernment. In the event that we see this world as God's vitality, as Krishna's property then we are seeing it in its actual otherworldly nature. Yet, in the event that we don't see it in relationship to God then we consider it to be" this is mine, this is yours". This outcomes in so much clash. Be that as it may, genuine religion is intended to join individuals not isolate individuals. These religions are all indications of God's effortlessness on humankind to result in these present circumstances earth to give us a seeing how we are all offspring of God. Wherever there is life there is a holy offspring of God. Everything is the property of God and we are intended to be a family to use it legitimately. 

This origination comprehends that everything in this world is intended to be utilized with the end goal of seva, or unselfish administration. It is our hallowed obligation to God to respect and regard everything in this world as his consecrated property and to utilize it in a soul of administration. On the off chance that you possess a business, claim a house, have a family, have riches, property, it's all the property of God and utilized as a part of agreement with God's will which is to keep it all exceptionally unadulterated beyond what many would consider possible. So with a specific end goal to design a superior world it needs to start by building an appropriate preceptive and acknowledgment of the world. Building our own particular internal awareness to the degree we really comprehend the excellence and the adoration and the enormity of Krishna, to that degree we will really cherish Krishna and we will see everything in this world as a wonderful chance to serve Krishna and to hoist individuals' lives and cognizance.

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